Brand & Share These Resources

Hi, Amy here!

I'm excited to share these new resources with you. I'd love for you to rebrand them with your affiliate links and share them with your audience...

  • In your email list.
  • On your blog.
  • In your Facebook or LinkedIn groups.
  • In your membership. 
  • Or anywhere else you have a community of people interested in publishing.

These reports detail some of my favorite publishing business models. They're a great intro that will help your subscribers realize what's possible, and they include your affiliate links to training products they can use to get started.    

How Rebranding Works

All you have to do is enter your Zaxaa user name in the forms below, and the rebranding engine will automatically replace the links inside each report with your affiliate link. 

You'll find your user name in your Zaxaa dashboard on the settings page, as you see here:

Choose from several different rebrandable reports (or choose them all!)

Easy Income Streams:
Low Content Publishing

Easy Income Streams:
Print on Demand Profits

Want to know when new reports have been added? 

Enter your name and email here to join my JV partners list, and I'll keep you informed about all our upcoming product launches and other opportunities. 
