Stop Struggling...
Easy Ongoing Sales With No Experience, Website, Or Upfront Costs Needed!
TURN Simple content into MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS Fast!...
Simply Rinse and Repeat...
Dear friend,
Let me ask you a quick question…
Would You Like To Discover How You Can Create
Multiple Online Income Streams?
If you’ve answered yes, (which I’m quite sure you have), then you’ll want to read every single letter on this page.
Because I’m going to share with you how you can start...
Oh, and let me mention that:
In A Nutshell...This Can Flat Out Work For ANYONE - Regardless of Age or Tech Skill.
What am I referring to exactly?
Simple visual and written tutorial content.
Tutorials are easy to create and incredibly popular. The ideal match for a wide variety of niches and topics, tutorials are traffic magnets that you can use to drive engagement and generate income. Just take a look at some of these examples:

Yep. While you were reviewing that last tutorial, someone was on the other side of that same content getting paid...handsomely.
Don’t believe me? Ok, check this out...
Online Learning Is Expected To Grow To 325 BILLION By 2025.
(Are You Prepared To Get Your Share?)
In an article as recently as July 2018, Forbes predicted that the online learning industry will grow to a massive 325 billion dollars.
That’s billion with a CAPITAL B.
You’d be amazed at what some of the topics are. These topics can range anywhere from knitting, construction, cooking, computer-related, every-day tech, or some other common item that people want to learn.
You don’t have to be an expert!
I’ll share how you can create some of the same tutorials even if you don’t know a darn thing about the topic and get paid in the process.
It’s simple. It really is.
But before I do, just to validate the above statement - take a look at some more interesting facts:

Pinterest, (which is filled with visual tutorials) just went public not too long ago and has a multi-billion dollar net worth as a company., (a Udemy competitor) recently received a $134 million dollar valuation, processed $90 million in course fees, banked 7.5 million in revenue...and was founded in 2014! (That’s only 5 years ago.)

Instructables, a tutorial based site gets on average 35 MILLION visitors per month and makes quite a bit of money from all types of advertisers on their sites.

Even YouTube is now considered the 2nd largest search engine in the world. And while you can watch a cute cat video or two on YouTube, tons of people go there for tutorials and how to content.
So Why Is This Important And Why Should You Care?

Well, unless you’ve not being paying attention - the online learning industry is an absolute goldmine!
And with millions upon millions currently up for grabs, you could start publishing your knowledge and get paid over and over again for it.
Bypass The Learning Curve...
See, while this is a truly viable way to generate income online, you still need to know the correct steps and sequence in order to make it work to your benefit.
I’ve made it super easy to get started and see results as quickly as possible.And I’d like to share that with you today...

Will You Love Instructo? Absolutely.
Just Take A Look At What A Few Of My Current Customers Have To Say About My Courses...
“You always make everything easy to understand.”
Deborah Arnett
"I like your straight forward style, no ‘push button solutions’ or ‘get rich quick’ promises. Just easy to follow steps that work if actioned.”
“Definitely will be buying more from Amy Harrop. I feel like her brand is trustworthy. The information she releases is not just for profit but actually to help. I don’t have money to waste (who does?) Investing in Amy’s products is wise.”
Cathy Parker-Stroger
Inside You'll Discover 5 Different Ways To Get Paid Directly With Simple How-To Content….
I want you to have every possible advantage to succeed with the information provided in the course. For that reason, I’m going to also include five ways you can easily get paid directly for your content. How-to content is highly in-demand, and I reveal exactly how and where to get paid directly.
With a number of topics just ripe for the taking, I’ll share how you can easily publish popular short guides that sell like hotcakes on Amazon .The best part? Most of these popular selling tutorials on Amazon are less than 40 pages and I’ll show you how you can create the same kind lightning fast!

2. Etsy
Did you also know that you could sell simple tutorials right within the Etsy marketplace?
Yep. And when you get access to Instructo today, I’m going to give you the simple, yet powerful step-by-step way on how to do just that.

3. Tutorial Sites
Did you also know that there are sites out there that will pay you to create tutorials?
Heck, there are some sites that could pay you anywhere from $200-$500 PER tutorial you create that gets accepted on their site.
Interested? You should be.
And I’m going to share how to do it inside the Instructo course.
Plus...I'm going to share with you two more 'mystery' income sources.
These aren't the 'same old stuff.' I reveal two more innovative ways to get paid simply for posting simple visual and how-to content.

And If You Need A Massive Traffic Boost To Any of Your Content...I’ve Already Got You Covered!
I don't just cover how to create paid tutorials. I also reveal how to create a simple visual type of tutorial that will drive major traffic to your books, blogs, websites, and more!

And it’s not going away any time soon. As a matter of fact, as long as people want to learn something, they’ll perform this kind of search. And when they do, you need to be there to scoop up all that free traffic.
Want to know what it is and how to take advantage? I’ll share the details inside of the Instructo course.
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Receive When You Get Started Today...
The Instructo Step by Step Guide
Inside this guide, you’ll find all the strategies necessary to create direct income streams with visual and how-to content. There’s nothing left out.
With over 90 pages of pure content, you’ll have everything you need to start building tutorial income streams in no time at all. But don’t let the length of pages fool you. This guide won’t take forever to finish. It’s laid out perfectly with visual images to make sure you get a clear concise idea of all the steps required to generate income from tutorial content.
There’s no stone left unturned.

Over The Shoulder Power-Packed Video Tutorials
In addition to the guide, I’ve also included a set of short, yet informative over the shoulder videos that go over the process a-z.
This is great for those people that are visual learners and need on screen examples done for them. With this option, you can play the videos as much as you like, rewind them, and get the strategies down pat.
25 Done For Your ‘How To’ Keywords With Search Volume and Competition
If you’re like most people online, you probably struggle with things like, “what niche or market do I go into?”
Well, if that’s the case then you’ll love this option.

Not that you have to use it, but I’ve taken the liberty of doing the research for you with 25 ‘how to’ niches that you can get into immediately.
This way you can start working right away and expand into other correlating profitable markets with no problem.
The Instructo Fast Start ‘Cheatsheet’
I’ve also included a cheatsheet for you that will help you stay on track right out the gate.
This way, after reading the guide, you’ll know the exact steps to take every single time you look to create a profitable visual tutorial or how to content.

3 Professionally Designed PowerPoint Visual Tutorial Templates
As you can already see, I’ve give you a lot with the items above. But just to make sure you have the best possible chance of succeeding with how to content and visual tutorials, I’ve also carefully crafted 3 professionally designed templates in PowerPoint.
This way you could get your first visual tutorial created in 24 hours or less and ready to make you money!

Want To Know More?
Here’s A Sneak Peek Inside The Instructo
Step by Step Guide...
I’ve personally spent TONS of hours putting this information together in an easy to read and easy to follow format.
But let me tell you, it wasn’t easy at all!
As a matter of fact, if I listed every single benefit that you’ll receive from just the guide alone, you’ll spend the next 2 hours reading this page!
Just to make sure you’ll get an idea of all the amazing benefits inside this course, here are a few to whet your appetite:
Let Me Give You 3 Ways Instructo Will Help You With Your Online Income Goals…
I could honestly list tons of ways that Instructo can help you achieve what you truly desire when it comes to making money online.
Here are a few ways that investing in Instructo today can better your current situation:
Multiple Content Cash Flows
When you use the information I share inside the Instructo course, you’ll be amazed at how much awesome content you can create quickly.
And when this happens, watch out. Because now it opens up a number of opportunities like selling other products, being a guest on other influential sites, and more ways of increasing your cash flow.
Plus, you’ll have a distinct advantage over others because I’m already giving you a set of templates to get you up and running fast!
It’s almost like cheating...
Always Have Ongoing Traffic
Visual tutorials are fast, fun and easy to create- I show you how and even get you started with plug and play templates. These can bring massive, targeted traffic for days, months, and even years.
Create Passive Income Streams
Once you get the steps down inside the Instructo course, (which I lay out in the cheatsheet), it’s just simply a matter of publishing and posting.
When you’re following the instructions the way Iay them out, you’ll find that you’ll start creating true evergreen sources of passive income.
I’ll Also Include These Incredible Bonuses!
When you pick up the Instructo course, you’ll also receive these additional bonuses at no extra cost:
#1. Promoting Your Content With Images PDF Guide
While everyone is fiddling with backlinks and other various SEO methods, I’ll share how to drive massive amounts of tactics using...images.
This method is still overlooked by many, but is a great compliment to help you get more eyeballs on your tutorials you create.

#2. Visual Content Creation Made Easy PDF Guide
Want to create visual content fast?
No problem.
I’ll list tools available on the net that can help you create all the visual content you desire in a fraction of the time in this guide.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. What kind of tutorials can I create?
I show you how to create short visual and written tutorials. I reveal 5 ways to get paid directly, and 1 very special traffic driving tutorial that people love.
The focus of this training is on visual and written tutorials, not videos.
Q. Who is this for?
This is for anyone who wants to make money with content. Whether you want to publish and sell:
- Printables
- Low content material
- Courses
- Or nearly any type of content
And for anyone who wants to create income streams with content:
- Publishers
- Authors
- Bloggers
- Online Marketers
- Service Providers
- And more!
The success strategies for building content assets that pay you over and over again are the same.
Q. How is the training delivered?
Videos and other content is available inside the secure members’ area, which you get immediate access to once you complete your order. The printed materials are in PDF format, and the videos are in .mp4 format.
You can download everything from the site, and can read/view the materials via any computer, tablet or even your smartphone!
Q. Do I need to have a niche, or any type of experience?
No! I'll share with you how to get started even if you're a beginner, no experience necessary. And, if you already have a niche or content, I'll share how you can leverage that even faster.
Here’s My Unconditional Risk Free 100% Money Back Guarantee!

You can get access to Instructo today without any risk on your part. Take a full 7 days to go through the materials and see for yourself how easy and incredibly simple this model truly is.
If after doing so, you’re not totally convinced that the techniques outlined and demonstrated are worth WAY more than you’re investing today then just send me an email and I’ll issue you a complete 100% refund.
Plus, I’ll let you keep the bonuses as a way of saying thank you for giving Instructo an honest try.
Sound fair?
Take Control of Your Online Income - Starting Today!

So here’s what you need to do next:
Go ahead and use the button below to get access to the Instructo training now.
Don’t wait and don’t delay. Do it right now.
When you do, you’ll be on your way to generating a great sustainable income that you truly deserve.
Best of all, you can get started in the next few minutes! Or you could spend months trying to figure it out all on your own, only to end up in endless frustration.
So do yourself a favor and get access now while it’s still available at this low price.
It’ll be one of the best investments you’ve ever made.
I guarantee it.

To Your Success
Amy Harrop
p.s. Don't Miss Out....
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