Welcome from the Write for Profit stack! I'm excited to help you create more content faster than ever before. 

These Underground Methods Will Have You Publishing Profitable Content 20x Faster
With Less Effort!

Let Me Take You By The Hand And Show You How To
Multiply Your Content Income Streams

Does this sound like you?

You spend tons of time on creating blog posts, lead magnets, books, slideshows, videos, audios, and more...only to get burnt out with very little to show for it.

But thankfully, I’ve found a better way. 

Tap Into These Automation Methods And Quickly Transform Nearly Any Type of Content Into Profitable Income Streams...Fast!

  • Books (that actually sell)
  • Short Reports (that generate QUICK CASH!)
  • Printables like journals, planners, and more (that people LOVE!), 
  • Social media, blog posts, videos, And Much More!

Let Me Give You A Few Examples of How Profitable Content Can Be...

  • Every 48 hours, the internet produces the same amount of content as the last 2000 years offline!
  • John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneur on Fire averages around $200,000 a month.
  • Mark Dawson generates $450,000 from his books on Amazon with self publishing.
  • Jenean Morrison has sold 91,000 copies of her coloring books earning her over $320,000 in royalties.

And there are tons of others who are making a very healthy income just by publishing content.

Why couldn’t the average person do the same? 

And do this quickly, easily...and with free and low-cost automation?

Introducing AutoMagic Content!

Transform and Create Loads of Profitable Content ...On Virtual Auto-Pilot!

AutoMagic Content is my very own researched collection of automated content creation and transformation tools. With the over-the shoulder training and step-by-step examples, you can take any piece of content and transform it on autopilot.

The AutoMagic Content In-Depth Training 

Inside, you'll find tons of hard hitting, transformational content strategies embedded throughout these 100 pages.

But don’t let that scare you.  Because while the guide is in-depth, it’s also filled with tons of step-by-step instructions that will help you get up to speed very quickly.  You could even start implementing and mastering these strategies by this weekend!

Every single iota of knowledge I have about taking existing content and transforming it into profitable content with automated tools is included.

From leveraging Amazon, content import strategies, tools that transform your content into multiple formats, plug-and-play templates that do the heavy lifting for you, and more.


After going through this training, you’ll have no excuse when it comes to creating tons of profitable content on the fly...

The AutoMagic Content Accompanying Video Training Series

I’ve also taken the liberty to record a set of 5 training videos to go behind the scenes of the strategies and methods included inside of AutoMagic Content. Watch over my shoulder as I walk you through specific examples and strategies.

While I realize that some people may want a guide that they can thumb through, consider this a boost for those who are more visual learners.  This way you can get up and running quickly after watching these videos.

The AutoMagic Content Tools Spreadsheet

If you’re looking for a specific tool then you’ll love this spreadsheet.  I’ve organized all the tools inside of AutoMagic Content here and even categorized them for easy access.  Just click and link and off you go!

The AutoMagic Content Recipes

You didn’t think I’d leave your success to chance did you?  That’s exactly why I’m creating this section for you.

You’ll have a powerful resource that shows you specifically how to apply AutoMagic Content with real-world content and examples.

With these content ‘recipes,’ I share exactly how to take a few pieces of commonly found content and transform them into multiple profit centers. Watch as I transform specific pieces of content step-by-step. These over-the-shoulder recipes will show you exactly what to do, no guessing needed!

The AutoMagic Content Cheatsheet

Once you’ve gone through the guide (won’t take you long), you’ll most likely need a place to refer back to.  Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

I’ve created a mini cheatsheet of AutoMagic Content and included it with your investment today.  This way, you can print it out and find exactly what you need when you need it in case you don’t want to read through the guide over and over again.

As I said earlier, AutoMagic Content is my powerful collection of automated content creation and transformation tools.

With the over-the shoulder training and step-by-step examples, you can take any piece of content and transform it on autopilot.

Consider it your very own profitable content transformational tool suite!

These tools do most of the work and lets you build and leverage your audience for profit without all the heavy lifting it would normally take.

So with that being said, doesn’t it make sense to add this to your arsenal today?

Questions and Answers

What kind of content can I create?

I show you how to create and transform a wide variety of content including:

  • Written

  • Video

  • Audio

  • Graphics and Images

  • And More!

Q. Who is this for?

And for anyone who wants to create income streams with content:

  • Publishers

  • Authors

  • Bloggers

  • Online Marketers

  • Service Providers

  • And more!

The success strategies for building content assets that pay you over and over again are the same.

Q. How is the training delivered?

Videos and other content is available inside the secure members’ area, which you get immediate access to once you complete your order. The printed materials are in PDF format, and the videos are in .mp4 format.

You can download everything from the site, and can read/view the materials via any computer, tablet or even your smartphone!

To Your Success,

Amy Harrop

p.s. Create high quality content faster than ever...don't miss out!

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