Congratulations on Purchasing Instructo!  You've made a smart choice, and here's why . . .You ordered Instructo because you want to create more passive income with less work. 

How Would You Like to Profit Even Faster With Done-For-You Templates and Keyword Research?

With these 20 Professionally Designed
Visual Tutorial Templates,
You Can Simply Copy, Paste, and Publish!

These templates are tutorial traffic magnets with a fun name: Instructographics!

What are instructographics?

Instructographics tell people how to do something in a visual format. These are a perfect format for your tutorials!

These aren't infographics...for example, an infographic might inform you about the most popular dog breeds, whereas an instructographic would tell you how to train your dog to sit.

You get 20 uniquely designed Instructographic templates, and they are all in easy-to-edit PowerPoint format!

Here's a peak at the template styles...


What can you do with these?

In short, you have commercial use rights and can incorporate them into your projects. The only thing you can’t do is sell or giveaway the source or editable versions we give to you.

You can...

  • Incorporate into your own product in PDF or JPG format.
  • Create and sell print on demand products
  • Put your name on the product.
  • Add to membership sites.
  • Give to your customers.
  • Use as a bonus.

Plus Get My Personally Curated Keyword Research...
Create In-Demand Tutorials Fast By Giving People What They are Asking For

Here’s What's Included:

297 in-demand tutorial ‘how-to buyer keywords, including average monthly searches and competition level difficulty.

Get a jump start on your competition by selling content buyers are asking for. ​

These keywords are already in-demand, so there's no guesswork or wasted time on your part!

BONUS: Content marketing with Instructographics and Infographics

This bonus report focuses on overall content marketing with infographics and the same concepts can be used with their specialized offspring, the instructographics.

According to some studies, about 90% of the information our brain interprets and prioritizes is visual. That makes visual tutorials like instructographics ideal for content marketing. 

To Your Success

Amy Harrop

PS - This is an incredible deal!! Nearly all the work is done for you! All you have to do is add your content and you'll quickly have powerful instructographics in hot niches that are in demand right now. 

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