I’m sure you’ve heard more than your fair share of success stories, from people raking in massive royalties each month with online content.
And yeah, it must be pretty annoying by now!
Chances are...if you are struggling to get your content out in the marketplace, or aren’t getting the results you want, you are focusing on the wrong things.
It doesn’t have to be that way!
Let an expert take you by the hand and help you create, publish, position and promote low content books for your publishing empire.
Discover how to create and monetize your content fast with innovative strategies that will increase your publishing productivity 50-150%...or more!
What’s particularly awesome is that virtually anyone can create products that buyers want right now.
As I said in the video... no special skills or training are needed – anyone can do this!
In fact print books are much more popular than ebooks..and low content books are incredibly popular...Yes STILL, and it will continue now in the new year!
"Sales of print formats, particularly in trade publishing, increased, while ebook sales declined. 'StatShot Annual 2015 has confirmed print’s marked return. The paper book, just like the ebook, is here to stay,' said Tina Jordan, vice president of the Association of American Publishers in a press release."
Printable Profits Empire is comprehensive training for publishing and profiting with: Journals, worksheets, planners, checklists, cards, printables, puzzles, and more! Including over the shoulder demos from page to book to royalties.
These are brand new secrets, tips, and strategies. I dig deep and reveal how you can easily create in-demand books and content that buyers love.!
These strategies will put you head and shoulders above your competition!
Giving the market what it wants is the key to success.
Make no mistake about it... this is a booming market! Better yet, it’s still off the radar of most publishers and marketers.
Which spells massive opportunity for you!
The time to tap this market is right now! To profit, all you need to do is find out what products buyers are looking for, then deliver it to them.
It’s that simple!
And in most cases, you’ll need little or no original content! You can easily utilize free public domain/royalty-free content as well as private label rights (PLR) content!
I’ll provide you with resources to make finding the right content for your products easy, and even FREE!
5 video sessions where I transform basic content into bestselling books and printables...over and over again!
Transform your content into in-demand printables and books
Get your books onto multiple marketplaces fast
The Nuts and bolts of creating the most popular types of low content including...
How to gain even more traction with the content you create, including...
You can access the sessions any time day or night!
This is brand-new training where I reveal tools, techniques and shortcuts to go from idea to publishing profits fast. The focus is on demos and over-the-shoulder training as I reveal my content creation, publishing, and profit secrets. This is brand-new training with strategies and shortcuts that will put you ahead of the competition.
You can automatically access the recordings and additional materials inside the member’s area.
Never before have you had such a unique opportunity to have this expert take you by the hand and help you create, publish, and position your printable empire!
In as little as a few hours, you can build a profitable and passive revenue stream, that will help take your publishing businesses to whole new levels!
Apply some effort to creating just a few dynamic, high-quality l products, and just imagine how many income streams you can create within just one month.
These revenue streams will just keep delivering profits to you - with no additional work needed.
My comprehensive training is based on proven and fully-tested strategies.
You also get the tools and resources you need to succeed!
At the end of the 5 Sessions, you'll have everything you need to streamline, profit, and scale with low-content print publishing.
This is an incredible opportunity to get step-by-step
training at a steep discount from what you would pay
with individual coaching.
This Massive Print Graphics Bundle Includes 85 Unique Designs!
A step-by-step, illustrated guide to getting started with today's top self-publishing platforms. Discover the techniques the pros know to save time, produce high-quality books, and make more money.
To Your Success,
Amy Harrop
P.S. Don't wait....achieve your publishing dreams today.